What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine involving the insertion of very thin, sterile, stainless steel needles into specific points on the skin.
How does acupuncture work from a Chinese point of view?
Acupuncture works by adjusting the flow of qi (pronounced "chee") in the body.
The medical classics describe the flow of qi like the movement of water through a system of canals in a country. When the water in the canals is flowing properly, the reservoirs are full, the fields are irrigated, and the transportation routes are open. When the canals are obstructed, the reservoirs may flood or dry up, the fields may lose their irrigation or become swamped, and the transportation routes may become impassable. Acupuncture needles adjust the flow of qi in the “canals” of the body, and so return the “country” of the body to working order.
What is qi 氣?
Qi is often translated as “life energy.” It is the active, moving force in the body.
In Chinese, the word qi is also a part of the word for weather 天氣. This literally means “sky qi.” So just as weather is the activity of the sky, qi is the activity in the body.
How does acupuncture work from a scientific point of view?
The mechanism of action remains a question of scientific study, and there are several contending theories. One popular idea is that acupuncture impacts the electrical resistance of the skin.
Although the mechanism of action of acupuncture is unclear, it is has been demonstrated that acupuncture is more effective than placebo.
What can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture can treat a wide range of conditions. Our specialties include:
Pain Management (including most body pain and headaches)
Stress Management
Mental-Emotional Disorders (concurrently with therapy)
Genitourinary Conditions
Respiratory Conditions
Digestive Conditions
Cardiovascular Support
Craving Control (including tobacco)
Trauma and PTSD Support
Conjugal Concerns and Fertility
Please email the acupuncture doctor here to request information about a particular condition.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Patients typically report feeling either no sensation upon the insertion of needles, or feeling a small pinch. After insertion, patients typically do not feel pain.
Most patients report feeling very comfortable and relaxed during and after treatment.
What is a typical session like?
A session usually lasts about 75 minutes. Of this time, 15 minutes is spent performing diagnostics—asking questions, taking pulse, examining tongue and palpation—and 10 minutes is spent needling. The remainder of the time, the patient relaxes on the table while listening to music.
How should I prepare for my session?
The patient should dress in loose-fitting clothing.
For the initial session, the patient should also download the intake paperwork, here.
How much does treatment cost?
The cost of treatment varies depending on the treatment format and condition. Please email us here for details.
What forms of payment are accepted?
We accept cash, check, credit, and major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.
Does Three Fields Acupuncture accept insurance?
At this time, Three Fields Acupuncture does not accept insurance, although we will provide receipts to allow patients to get reimbursed from their insurance provider directly. HSA’s and FSA’s are accepted.
How long does treatment take?
An initial course of treatment is usually five sessions, one or two per week. Many acute conditions will resolve after the initial course of treatment. More chronic conditions take longer to heal, but will typically show signs of improvement after the initial course. In such cases, the acupuncture doctor will construct a personalized treatment plan.
If you have any questions not answered here, the acupuncture doctor would be happy to hear from you. Please contact him here.